
Orchid School

Orchid  School

Is a place in which individuals, students,  artists, grass roots
neighborhood groups and teachers can come together and find solutions to
environmental and social problems by striving to create beauty in the

We will co-create a healthy sustainable local neighborhood economy
producing beautiful utilitarian objects of art and at the same time,
conduct a multi-cultural ritual celebration of life through art. It will be
a place where people will take great pride in what they do, be responsible
for who and what they are and be accountable to each other for the peace
and welfare of the whole.

We will provide a stimulating and inspiring  environment in which young
artists can develop their full potentialand demonstrate the philosophy that
"small is beautiful", "less is more" and that "individuality and variety
create the spice of life". We will strive to express these values through
our building designs, our social relationships and our art.

The school will provide a participatory design service, facilitated by
expereinced trained professionals, in which individuals can meet, freely
communicate, share cultures, stories, prioritize their own values,
objectives, define their own needs and ultimately focus to organize their
own resources and create solutions to their own social and environmental

The school will produce it's own energy using benign, earth friendly,
non-polluting, autonomous resource free passive technologies and will be
free of the existing power complex. It will grow 50% of it's own
food,including of fish, shrimp, herbs, fruits, vegetables and flowers in
airponic and hydroponic greenhouses and slat houses integrated within the
building complex. It will utilize the patented principles of Ekotecture =A9.

Orchid School will be located at Georgia and N Street, West Palm Beach,
=46lorida. The site overlooks Howard Park with it's Art Armory and the
Kravits Performing Arts Center.  It is conveniently located in the heart of
a revitalizing historic art's neighborhood in downtown West Palm beach. It
is only a short 10 minute walk to the Intercostal, the island of Palm Beach
and the Atlantic Ocean.

In the future, Orchid School expects to receive government grants, private
foundation gifts, tax deductible donations from individual patrons and
royalties from patents and copyrights.

At the present time, we derive our income as a percentage of the sale of
fine art and objects of art which are created by  interior designers,
artists and crafts people. These objects and services are marketed through
Jill's, Customized Objets de' Art at 323  Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida
and through top end decoraters, retailers and mail order catalogs

It is our intention to  become a model community & educational development
center for sustainable global development.

 March 14, 1995

Lee Porter Butler
Jill Karlin Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Orchid School