
reminder of environmental showcase home seminar Apr. 17

Hope y'all can come for this. That entire week will have activities of
various kinds.  Register ahead of time for the seminar and save money.  If
you are coming and happen to have a solar powered laptop with modem that
you would be willing to bring, please let me know. Thanks. Marge Wood,

>To Environmentally interested persons
>From Kitty Wasemiller and Abilene Christian University (and Marge,of course)
>Re: Environmental Housing Presentation
>When Monday evening April 17, 1995 7:00 pm, reception following
>Where: Abilene Christian University Campus, College of Biblical and Family
>       Studies, Hart Auditorium, Room 100
>Abilene Christian University, along with other interested parties and
>individuals, will be hosting a special presentation on the evening of
>April 17, 1995.  The speakers for the evening will be architects Tom Hahn
>and Eddie Jones of Phoenix, Arizona.  Their recently completed project, the
>Arizona Public Service Environmental Showcase Home will be highlighted.  The
>home incorporates environmental planning philosophies into mainstream
>architectural and building standards and practices.  By demonstrating how
>these ideas work, the architects will assist contractors and home buyers in
>making decisions which will improve and influence the energy efficiency and
>environmental responsibility of new homes.  the home was designed by Hahn
>and Jones without preconceived ideas.  By relying on fundamental principles
>of site selection, home orientation, passive solar, daylighting, energy,
>water and materials efficiency, this home will be about 60 percent more
>energy efficient and use 60 percent less water while greatly reducing
>pollution.  The home is a 2,640 sq. ft. design with four bedrooms, three
>bathrooms, and other features and amenities similar to homes in the
>$125,000-$175,000 range.
>Among the home's features: Passive solar design; high efficiency triple
>function heat pump; stand-alone heat pump and solar water heating;
>photovoltaic panels turning sunlight into energy; highly insulative
>glazing in the windows; unique energy efficient walls; energy efficient
>lighting and landscaping with sub-surface irrigation system; building
>materials with recycled content; indoor paint and finishes selected to
>reduce indoor air pollution; environmentally sensitive furnishings and
>accessories; environmentally responsible swimming pool.
>(There will also be a similar lecture on Tuesday morning, April 18,
>primarily geared toward students, but it is open to anyone who cares to
>Early bird registration is $7, if registered by April 10.
>At the door, the cost is $10 for one session.
>Group registration,  5-10    $50
>Groups over 10, $100
>Any students with valid picture ID admitted free
>Underwriters admitted free of charge
>Pay with checks, or cash at the door.
>For more information, contact Kitty Wasemiller 674-2087 or
>       Box 8155, Abilene Christian University, Abilene TX 79699
>       or via email, Marge Wood, mwood@acuvax.acu.edu
Marge Wood
A-V Supervisor,
Brown Library
Abilene Christian University
reminder of environmental showcase home seminar Apr. 17