
Re: Solar Desalinization

>Has anyone here experimented w/ Solar Desalinization of sea water? I
>would like to do  some food production
>(aquaculture/mariculture/hydroponics)  experiments on my "Biobarge" this
>summer and would like to be able to meet my freshwater needs through
>this method of desalinization.  Any input would be greatly appreciated...
>Thanks in advance,
>Solar Desalinization

Passive solar glass houses can be designed to desalinize water at the same
time they provide an environment in which the water can be used to grow
plants, fish, shrimp.etc. I have prototype designs, based on Israeli work
in this field.
Essentially, we are talking about an evapotative condensor. Not too
complicated I presume. Hope this is helpful to you. Your floating
hydroponic plant producing "barge" which gets it's water from local
availible indigeneous sources sounds suspiciously similiar to my Ekotecture
designs. You could refer to my floating Ekotecture houses as barges.I like
your idea.

Lee Porter Butler

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: Solar Desalinization