
permaculture/bioregional studies

  It is the objective of IBS to train participants to become 
effective catalysts in the regeneration of  the planet. The 
"Bioregional" perspective means that our focus is  on the 
design and evolution of healthy, interdependent and self-reliant 
  Today we can not just, "Think  Globally and  Act Locally" We 
also need to, "Think Long Term and Act Now". Therefore, IBS was 
founded to demonstrate the recent, ecologically oriented, scientific,   
social   and   technological   achievements   that   are relevant  
to  achieving  the   goal   of   an   ecological  society.

The Institute for Bioregional Studies 1995 Summer Programs 
catalogue is now available on-line or by requesting a hard copy.
Our programs will be hosted at the spectacular Ovens Natural Park 
in Riverport, Nova Scotia. Seminars will feature:

~Permaculture Design Course~
~Straw Bale Construction~
~Ecological Planning~

Guest Lecturers include:
Kirkpatrick Sale, Schumacher Society;
Michael Pilarski, Friends of the Trees;
Judith Plant, New Catalyst Education Society;
Maureen Cureton, Rocky Mountain. Institute;
Ray Cote, Director, School of Environmental Planning,Dal. U;
William Rees, Dean, School of Community Planning, UBC;
Carla Conrod, Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association

and others

For more information send $2.00 to:
IBS, 449 University Avenue, Suite 126,
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 8K3
Phone: (902) 892-9578
for an electronic copy e-mail: pferraro@peinet.pe.ca
Phil Ferraro, Director
Institute for Bioregional Studies
449 University Avenue Suite 126            "Developing Local Solutions to 
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island	    Global Problems"
Canada   C1A 8K3
(902) 892-9578