
Re: universal energies/forces

>>Lee Porter Butler writes
>>I love the discussion to determine if gravity is an energy of a force. Come
>>on boys, back to basics. What is the effective difference when it comes to
>>moving mass or doing work. Gravity creates the wind. Wind creates torque.
>>Torque can be converted to heat.
>>In gravity convection, we speak of loops. If you change the temperature of
>>a liquid or a gas, you change the denisty. In a loop, if you add or
>>subtract heat to one side, you will create differential density ( between
>>the two columns of liquid or gas) causing the colder side of the loop to
>Wrong. Gravity does not create the wind. The energy input is solar energy
>which alters air density. Gravity is a force which is exerted on the fluid.

Solar creates the differential density. Gravity creates the movement of
air. The movement of air transfers heat and can be used to create torque.
>There is no energy input from Gravity. As air rises the solar energy input
>is stored as gravitational potential energy. When it falls the stored
>gravitational potential energy is exchanged for kinetic energy. The storage
>of energy exactly equals the return. This is what is meant by saying the
>gravitational field is conservative.
>You can store energy by moving mass to higher altitudes in a conservative
>field. You cannot generate energy from it.
>Dr. Peter J. Wolfs                      [=---=]
>Electrical Engineering                    \o/
>Central Queensland University              X
>Rockhampton M.C. 4702                     / \
>Tel +61 79 30 9599
>Fax +61 79 30 9382
>Re: universal energies/forces

So in all the old buildings which were built before fans of forced
mechanical air movement systems, to what force or energy does one attribute
the movement of air. What does the term "gravity convection" mean?

If one builds a solar chimney and the moving air turns a wind ( rising air)
turbine, I say the air would not move were it not for the solar heat (
added to the system) and the air would not move without the " force" of
gravity applied to the system.

What good is one without the other? The air will not move without the
existence of either "force or energy". Why does changing the height of a
"solar chimney" change the effective work which can be accomplished with a
fixed amount of applied solar heat?

What "force is at work when,in the middle of the night or during long
cloudy periods, heat and air is pumped up from deep in the ground below the
envelope houses?

What force moves a pendulum? Gravity plus the rotational movements of the earth.

Some day, when physicists overcome their lack of understanding of gravity,
we will use it to pull of space ships through hyperspace at speeds far in
excess of the speed of light. Physicists are dumfounded with limits. There
are no real limits, to our ability to imagine somthing.

I realize that we are all wasting time. I believe that all funds now being
used to destroy matter ( high energy physics ) fission research, big bang
theory, etc. should be terminated untill all human binegs have at least a
primary education and enough to eat. This is what I call common sense
priorities. What we have going on now is what I call nonesense.

Alpha Lee

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: universal energies/forces