
Re: Seaweed

>From:    William Bill Kovarik <wkovarik@RUACAD.AC.RUNET.EDU>
>Subject: Re: Seaweed

>agar, a medium for petri dish experiments. It grows in cultivation at
>very rapid rates, something like a ton per square meter per year, (Ill
>check exact figures if anyone likes).
>In an old scientific american I once came across an article about the
>Pasteur Institute using acid hydrolysis to get 10 gallons of alcohol
>for fuel per ton of seaweed.
>Using these figures, one could imagine a 100 square kilometer area producing
>one million gallons of alcohol for fuel per year, or an area the size of

Thats one _billion_  gallons, per 100 square kilometers per year.

>Argentina producing enough to replace the entire US supply of gasoline.


Robin van Spaandonk <rvanspaa@ozemail.com.au>

Re:  Seaweed