
Re: Where are the Earthships?

The idea with the tires is to avoid making the adobe bricks, instead the
tires are filled with dirt and punded full. I have a copy of the video
where Dennis Weaver builds his house in Colorado, it looks impressive.
His house in in two level, built into the side of a hill (typicaly for
these houses) so there is only an exposed south side. The south side
is all-glass to get heat from the sun.

They do not use any other insulation than what the surrounding earth provides,
they say it takes about a year for the temperature to even out in the walls
of this earth-bermed house. I am surprised they don't use any insulation
though, since the earth a few feet down will be constantly about 60 degrees
(in the desert) or so. But maybe the charging-up over the year make up for it?
Steen Hansen (Hviid)    E-mail: hansen+@osu.edu
Computer Specialist,    The Ohio State University
There is something fundamentally wrong in treating the earth as if it was 
a business in liquidation.  -- Herman Dailey, quoted in "Earth in the Balance"