
Re: T@Re: EKOSE'A & EKOTECTUREO_^?6hrs:Tpm;lB(ec&

April 25, 1995

EKOTECTURE =A9  is defined as the integration of fields of architecture,
engineering and ecology, resulting in the design and construction of
buildings which meet the following criteria.

(A) Structural Integrity
Ekotecture structures can resist the stresses of nature to protect and
preserve human life. They are designed to resist earthquakes, can float in
a flood or tidal surge and can withstand the effects of tornadoes and
(B) Healthier Buildings
The presence of plants in the outer air envelope adds oxygen to the
building interior air and acts as an electrostatic filter, purifying the
interior air.
 (C) Standardization of Components
The standardization of building components, reduces the manufacturing cost
making it affordable to the mass market.
(D) Widely Available Indigenous Materials
 Ekotecture is manufactured from elements which exist in abundance world
wide, further lowering the cost and increasing availability. The components
will be manufactured from an ultra lightweight super strength insulating
concrete using a nonmetallic fiber reinforcing.
(E) Utilizes Universal Energies, Forces and Principles
They utilize solar, gravity, geothermal, phase change, evaporative cooling
effects of ordinary water, capillary action, osmosis and other universal
natural energies, forces and principles to provide the utility conveniences
and food.
(F) Zero Pollution from Operation
Ekotecture puts nothing into the earth, air or water and takes nothing out
of the earth air or water, beyond the materials and energy needed to
manufacture the structure itself, eliminating the need to acquire, for it's
operation, non-renewable resources ( fossil fuel or nuclear fuel ) and the
pollution and threats to human life caused by their mining, refinement  and
combustion or utilization.
(G) Decentralization
Inherent in the concept of Ekotecture, is decentralization of the
production of utilities and the elimination of friction and combustion,
real estate required for distribution and the cost and loss of efficiency
of the distribution system.
(H) Quality, Taste, Freshness of Food
By growing food locally, using recycled organic waste, fresh supplies of
fish, shrimp, fruits and vegetables would increase the quality and the
freshness of the food supply.
(I) Superior Return on Invested Capital
Ekotecture is provides an ecological, economical solution to our present
needs and  fits the structure of the profit oriented corporate capitalists
system of mass production and standardization. The ultimate market for
Ekotecture is global. All existing buildings will eventually justify the
need for retrofitting or rebuilding. Massive economies of scale are
possible, given such a demand. The company who builds and maintains new
Ekotecture utility will  be able to show superior returns on invested
(J) Patents & Business Plan Development
At present we are working on filing the patents with our attorneys and
soliciting third party technical opinions.

Lee Porter Butler & Jill Karlin Butler, Principals* Ekotecture
International Corporation

Lee Porter Butler
620 Biscayne Drive
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

Re: T@Re: EKOSE'A & EKOTECTUREO_^?6hrs:Tpm;lB(ec&