
Re: Solar thermal/Gas Hybrid Proj.

Rama Polefka  <ez013053@peseta.ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>> You might check out the patent issued to Norman Saunders on a solar
>> steam generator, which consists of a linear sort of cusplike concentrating
>> reflector below a glass boiler, with an intermediate radiation absorbing
>> mesh grid just below the waterline.

>Indeed I will!!! Do you have any additional info...?

You can reach Norman B. Saunders, PE, at
              15 Ellis Road,
              Weston, MA 02193

Some of his patents (copies of which are available for $3 each from
The Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks/Washington, DC 20231):

3,952,947 4/27/76  Solar heating system employing controlled
                   introduction of outdoor air via a special window.
		   [I think this one briefly describes the steam generator.]

4,078,603 3/14/78  Skylight-type collector with storage and
                   distribution systems.

4,123,002 10/31/78 System for controlling air temperature, humidity
                   and ventilation with use of ground coupling.

4,157,639 6/12/79  Seals for vertical and sloping windows or glazing.

4,201,189 5/6/80   South window solar-radiation absorbing element (as
                   in Shrewsbury House and All-Solar-Too House.)

4,296,733 10/27/81 Transparent roof employing reflective louvers that
                   admit much solar radiation in winter and admit little
		   solar radiation in summer.

Note: US patents are normally valid for 17 years from date of issue.
