
On-line Energy/Envir. Materials WebSite

National Energy Foundation Catalog Now Available on Internet

The National Energy Foundation is pleased to announce that information 
about the Foundation, including its Materials Catalog, is now available
at the NEF World Wide Web site:


NEF, one of the nation's premier nonprofit developers of energy, 
natural resource, and environmental education materials and programs, is
pleased to make these resources more accessible to members of the
Triangle Coalition.  Using the latest technologies afforded users of the
Internet, NEF's Internet-version of the catalog includes full-color, high
resolution images of all NEF educational materials, along with product
descriptions and other information.  Users who access the site can even
place orders directly from the scene.  

For more information about the Foundation's "home page," contact Gary
Swan at NEF; (801) 539-1406, or fax: (801) 539-1451.; or e-mail