
Re: A.E.R. Charter?

Harry H Conover <conover@max.tiac.net> wrote:

>Nick Pine (nick@vu-vlsi.ee.vill.edu) wrote:
>: Would someone kindly send me a copy of the alt.energy.renewable
>: charter/description?
>Nick, surely you joke!

No, it seems to me that I've seen something like that somewhere. 
I'd like to edit and post it in news.newsgroups (?) in order to start
a discussion that leads to a vote about creating sci.energy.renewable,
since we no longer get alt.groups here.

Marge Wood sent me this, which seems like a good start:

Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 16:22:51 +0000
From: "Clyde R. Visser, KD6GWN" <dodeca!clyde@galaxy.ucr.edu>

AE on LISTSERV@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu -  AE Alternative Energy
                                   Discussion Mailing List

The AE Alternative Energy Discussion Mailing List is intended  to 
provide  a  forum  to discuss the current state of  the  art  and 
future direction of alternative energy sources that are renewable 
and  sustainable.   It  is *not* intended to  discuss  either  AE 
appropriateness  or comparisons with conventional energy  sources 
such  as fossil or nuclear fuels.  Those "discussions"  are  best 
relegated to the appropriate usenet newsgroup.

An  alternative  energy source is taken to include  solar,  wind, 
geothermal,  tidal,  electro-chemical,  hydro-electric,  or   any 
renewable  and sustainable energy source.  It is also assumed  to 
exclude  fuels such as fossil and nuclear since  these  literally 
take an act of God to create.

>You've been around here for about the same time as me (about 1-2 years).

Or 8 or 9, depending on where you mean by "here" :-)

>In all that time I've yet to see a FAQ appear, let alone a charter.

Seems like charters are easier to create than FAQs, especially if one
only has to find one that exists somewhere.

>When I first stated reading the newsgroup, it was some sort of a 
>bizarre composite of an existing alternative energy mailing list
>and a group of FIDO types with an somewhat groupie relationship to 
>'Home Power' magazine...

Still is, sorta. Cept a lotta them moved to alt.solar.photovoltaic.
De mortui, nil nisi bonum.

>The FIDO/'Home Power' participants (cheered on by a Don Kuhla (sp?)

Yea, Don :-) He builds things...

>from, I believe, 'Home Power') vanished somewhat later.

Hmmm. I haven't seen much of him lately. Of course I haven't seen ANY of
the a.e.r. newsgroup lately, since our evil mother of all campus news,
perry@ece.vill.edu, decided to cancel all alt groups one afternoon,
in a peculiar fit of pique.
>Speaking as an individual, I believe a FAQ for this newsgroup would
>be a welcome addition, and I would consider you (as both an engineer
>and energy conservationist) well qualified to prepare and maintain 
>it.  Would you volunteer to take on the task (possibly co-anchoring
>the thing with Tom Gray - despite his bizarre philosophies :-)  ).

Why sure, do it blind, without being able to read the group or the
posted FAQ... :-) Or perhaps Rick Perry could do this better. He often
types on screenless terminals, as a nerdy tour-de-force.

>Anybody here willing to second this nomination?  Say 'Aye.'

I nominate Rick Perry. Barring that, everyone here should write Rick at
perry@ece.vill.edu and ask him to resubscribe to alt.energy.renewable.

>My suggestions (and only suggestions) --
>Keep the group open to ALL forms of alternative energy.  This includes
>not only passive solar, but PV, Wind, Hydro, geothermal, whatever.
Sounds good to me. Seems to me that the use of alt energy is increasing in
the world, so sci.energy deserves a sci.energy.renewable splinter. And maybe
someday there will be solar electric, solar thermal, wind, etc, subgroups of
sci.energy with appropriate and reasonable names in the heirarchy.

>Discourage discussion of pseudo-scientific, free energy schemes, since 
>these ideas are nearly always based on somewhat ignorant 
>misconceptions of scientific principles -- Science fiction has no
>place here IMHO. Distinguish emerging technogy from fantasy.  

I would also say "discourage political discussions," except that I
often get the feeling that what is holding back alt energy is
politics, not technics.

>How about it, Nick (and Tom)?

Sounds good to me.


(Back to my solar closet construction. 7 panels so far, and a Lambert
Data Trap with 5 temperature probes and a Licor pyroheliometer and a
modem on order. I may post the phone number :-) Real time temperature
graphs would look nice on a home page... Did you know that some 1 x 3s
are 2 1/4" wide, and some are 2 1/2"? And when you ask the Home Depot
folque to cut a piece of Aspenite in half, they give you one piece
that is 47 11/16" long, and and another that is 48 3/16?)
