
Re: Dirigible floor lamp musings

Robert Searfoss  <rlsrls@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>This could be an interesting project, also an interesting hazard to
>aircraft.  Might be hard for a turbine to swallow.  could tangle or
>break a prop.  Go thru a windshield...etc.  Hang on to it.!!!!  bye.

I live near the end of the runway of a small airport. It's illegal to build
anything taller than 65' where I live, ie a 20:1 glide slope, but sometimes
at night when the twin turboprops land right over my house, full-throttle,
full-flaps, I think about barrage balloons, tethered at 64'. Aluminized mylar,
perhaps, like those gift balloons that say "Surprise!" :-)

