
Re: Selling energy via the grid

>Harry H Conover (conover@max.tiac.net) pontificates:
>: Unlike some of you, I am seldom politically correct -- but I'm
>: usually technically correct. [Humble, too.] This is not because I am more 
>: intelligent, or even equally as intelligent as some of you, but because
>: I majored in my subject, worked hard to fully understand the concepts
>: presented to me during my studies, and have practiced my profession for 
>: many years. Let me just say that at this point in my life, I have a grasp
>: of the fundamentals and am immune to the flames from neophytes.

>: Flame away.

OK Harry :-) If you've been doing engineering for years, perhaps you are
a manager by now (success in engineering being often defined as getting out
of engineering.) If so, one wonders what your underlings think of you.
Perhaps they take solace in Kipling's words:

"Nothing is more satisfying than taking orders from fools."
