
Re: Solar Energy

Mati Meron <meron@cars3.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>The reason nobody messes with the Swiss is that it is a difficult 
>terrain which leads nowhere.

Not to mention that a lot of Switzerland, eg most of the bridges, is mined
with explosives, by the Swiss, as a little surprise for invaders. Nor that
they have sufficient nuclear shelters for every Swiss person, and everyone
is in the Army. It would not surprise me to learn that they have a few
on-site nuclear booby traps as well. Kinda like a burglar alarm attached
to 100 pounds of dynamite. Impressive, those Swiss :-) They also have a lot
of other peoples' money...

>>As I recall, the six day war started with one of those puny attacks...
>Oh, now I understand.  You're posting from a parallel universe.  There 
>is no way you could've picked up this version of the events in this 

I don't get out much.

I still don't see how you could disagree with me, Mati, on this little point:
if we used a lot less oil in this country, the world would tend to be a
somewhat more peaceful place. Then there would be less pressure for certain
kinds of wars in the world, eg the ones we start :-), or finish... I find it
difficult to see how you could disagree with that. Perhaps you are saying
that this factor is very minor, among all the factors that lead to wars,
and that without it, there would still be lots of wars in the world, eg
to keep the armies employed. But it still seems to me that if you take away
this single US oil waste/use factor, and everything else in the universe
stays the same, this world would be a tiny bit more peaceful. 

>... this debate is a waste of time.  Let me just tell you this...
>... when you embark on a mission of building a better future, an
>ignorance of the past doesn't make for a solid foundation.

I try to avoid embarking on things with solid foundations.

It's too hard to move them :-)

