
Re: Solar Energy

Carl J Lydick <carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU> wrote:
>zcrah2@cnfd.pgh.wec.com (Andy Holland) writes:
>> jonathan@elstead.win-uk.net (Jonathan R Barnes) writes:

... By some accounts, we killed 100,000 human beings in Iraq in the Gulf war,
... directly. And another 500,000 people, mostly women and children, died
... after US troops left the area, as a result of starvation, homelessness,
... poor sanitary conditions and lack of medical care.

==>Has this thread wandered a little ?

==Nope, as your government had a hand in this situation, it's part of
==the cost of using so much foreign oil.
>And the fact that Iraq had both a nuclear weapons program and a missile
>program in progress had absolutely nothing to do with it, right moron?

So does France. Perhaps we should invade France, because they are harming
our friends the seagulls in the South Pacific, and they do not bathe
so often as we do...

I think that should be "right _,_ moron" above, unless you are referring to
the learned Mr. Gingrich or his ferengi friends. 
