
Solar Food Dryers for India

Dear sanet,

A friend of mine just returned from India where he was consulting with a
group of farmers who want to convert 500 acres of land to organic
production.  My friend needs info, plans, designs for both large and small
scale solar food drying facilities.  Does anyone have this kind of info?


Nathan Boone

        |  Agricola Partners   ::  Tel: 916-750-2264          |
        |  603 Fourth Street   ::  Fax: 916-756-7188          |
        |  Davis, CA 95616     ::  Email: Agricola@davis.com  |
        |  www: http://www.mother.com/agaccess/Agricola.html  |
        |  Agricola Partners is dedicated to the agriculture  |
        |      and food industries with an emphasis on        |
        |   sustainable agriculture and organic farming.      |

Solar Food Dryers for India