
Re: Today's high, in the solar attic

Dear Nick

If your attic has any wood , paper or non-fireproofed wood fibers in it 
you could create a problem for yourself. If these materials are exposed 
to high temperatures for long periods of time, they develop phyric (?) 
compounds that can eaisly catch fire. This is why the idea of building 
solar panels of wood went up in flames. Literally.

Better consult your local fire department before you go much further.

A point to consider. Unless you have something to store the heat in, 
you'd be better off installing a skylight directly into the living space. 
The mass in the living space will absorb some of the heat, and you can 
install ablind or cover to block out excess heat if necessary.

Remember maximize the insulation before trying to use the insolation!


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