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Re: [seedsavers] This would be sad ways to do agriculture for us seedsavers

As info I have is dated, and seeds area hot topic in some circles,
I request any update on Order 81 and/or its enforcement, if any.
Additionally, how is implementation of this reasonably possible by
citizens where access to safety in conducting everyday business
is most difficult otr impossible to obtain, even if a local goverenment
office could and is functioning to record such, should a citizen be
aware of the order/law.

If you cannot answer, please attempt to provide a direction or
contact I may pursue to achieve the information.

I do understand that the Consulate is limited in scope due to the
extreme conditions there at this time, but which also supports the
possible assertion that the law at this time is makes it unduely
difficult citizens to comply in order to protect rights they may
ought to have had.

Thank you for your time.
Wm Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxxxxx, California, US of A

Legal and News excerps and References follow:


... excerp ...

Iraqi Farmers Aren't Celebrating World Food Day
Nov 11, 2004

As part of sweeping "economic restructuring" implemented by the Bush 
Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to 
save their seeds. Instead, they will be forced to buy seeds from US 
corporations -- which can include seeds the Iraqis themselves developed 
over hundreds of years. That is because in recent years, transnational 
corporations have patented and now own many seed varieties originated 
or developed by indigenous peoples. In a short time, Iraq will be 
living under the new American credo: Pay Monsanto, or starve.

... further excep ...

In 2002, FAO estimated that 97 percent of Iraqi farmers used saved seed 
 from their own stocks from last year's harvest or purchased from local 
markets. When the new law - on plant variety protection (PVP) - is put 
into effect, seed saving will be illegal and the market will only offer 
proprietary "PVP-protected" planting material "invented" by 
transnational agribusiness corporations.

... Legal Reference ...


Pg 22
66) Chapter Threequater, Article 15 is added to read as follows:
“A. Notwithstanding Article 14 of this Chapter, the breeder's right 
shall not
include the following acts of third parties for personal non-commercial 
for purposes of experimentation or education of new varieties.
B. Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected 
varieties or any
variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph (C) of Article 14 of 

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