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[seedsavers] Movie to see: "The Future of Food"


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with a Year-Long University-Level
Environmental Studies Curriculum.

"The Future of Food provides an excellent overview of the key questions raised by consumers as they become aware of GM 
foods... [The film] draws questions to critical attention about food production that need more public debate."

--- Film Review by Thomas J. Hoban,
Nature Biotechnology Magazine,
March 2005, Volume 23 No. 3

"If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food..."

--- Newstarget.com

"This stylish film is not just for food faddists and nutritionists.
It is a look at something we might not want to see: Monsanto, Roundup and Roundup-resistant seeds, collectively wreaking 
havoc on American farmers and our agricultural neighbors around the world. In the end, this documentary is a eloquent 
call to action."

--- The Telluride Daily Planet

For those with Netflix accounts, this is a free instant viewing movie.

I learned from videos submitted by farmers to YouTube that Terminator seed technology and driverless
farm machinery (i.e. tractors from John Deere) may be here in force within five years. Search and you'll find them
to see for yourself.


Movie to see: "The Future of Food"

If you haven't seen it, do. It has an interview with Percy Schmeiser
and a segment on gmo contamination of Mexican landrace corn and, of course much more on
intrusion of corporate conventional & biotech agriculture into global traditional farming.

Its an important film for seedsavers, seed preservationists and people concerned about
the global food supply and human rights issues.

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