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[seedsavers] Salsify prep and propagation from tops?

Hello the List!
    I went on a trip to study rural entrepreneurship in Scotland, and of
course - my treat were seeds that i could not find locally at home. 
Today, i dug our first Salsify - beautiful big roots!  Can anyone suggest
a wonderful first time way to serve these?  I have a few hours before
cooking time, and thought i would put it out here to experts!
  Also, if i save and replant the tops - will they grow a long tap root
from tops, or split into many small ones?  Half of them are single roots
and some are forked or multi-branched.  I ammended that particular bed to
be very fluffy and avoid the multi-rooting - but still have many. 
Luckily, even those are of decent size for cooking easily.  I will
harvest seed from them this season, to share around.
Thanks for any advice on this vegie prep,
Toni in KY
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