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[seedsavers] seed database or what?

Your very welcome Elise. Your seed are 2nd day UPS; you should have them no later than Tuesday.





[seedsavers] seed database or what?

Elise Lutrick seedsaverslist at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 14:54:34 EST 2008

Hi, Toni,

This list is brand new, so you're in on the ground floor so to speak.
It's my understanding that Lawrence has those things and more in the
works, so we are being patient. However, this is a nifty list as it
has already allowed me to obtain the Yellow Cabbage Collard seeds that
I have been searching for these last several years. I understand that
they are on the way to me as we speak (thanks Hayne!), so I am
excited. I have been fortunate enough also to obtain seeds for the old
fashioned green cabbage collards in the last couple of weeks, so I
feel blessed right now!

So, until the more formal solution comes up, I would think that just
posting your haves and wants would be fine. It might even help to get
the list rolling.


On Feb 8, 2008 12:45 PM,  <tonitime at juno.com> wrote:
> Being new here, is there an organized way or database that we put our
> inventory of shareables into for the list?  Do we just post lists of
> haves and wants and hope people see the one post?  There are many ways to
> share online, and i don't know how folk here do it!
> It is time for more than garden dreaming here in zone 6!  Today, the
> alliums get started - a wee bit late.  It makes my heart sing to again
> play in the dirt, tho it must be in my well-windowed, cold basement.
> Toni
> KY
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