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[seedsavers] List food for thought

Hello, I'm (insert name here), and i have ZDD!

     I love the seed exchanges with folk all over the maps - but often i
wonder what areas and growing zones fellow growers are living and saving
their seed in!  I came to the Appalachians from a 90-day longer season,
with far fewer pests and diseases.  Having learned that just any ol'
varieties will not work on this farm - like they did on the Left Coast,
it's been helpful for me to trade with those in similar climates -
something we  have had to learn the past 8 years of gardening here!  It
might help some of us, if we knew at least the growing zone or climate
each other were in.  What varieties will work well where we each are, and
as yet untried.
    But- then again, many of us suffer from Zone Denial Disorder, and
must stretch our luck in the gardens annually.  With the climate seeming
to change a bit, sometimes we are even rewarded these days by planting
new things that previously wouldn't work :)  If any are so inclined,
please put general locale or growing zone(ish) at your signature 
....with thanks from those of us who relocate and must re-learn.

Another thought, many of us have tooo many varieties to grow out often
enough for fresh seed stock.  How about if any are willing to return some
of the received trade's bounty, after seed drying  - it would be great to
mention that to your trader.  What a gift to have fresh stock on hand -
tho not enough time or space to have grown it soon enough!  We can
arrange with each other after summer to send SASE back to the grower,  Is
it just me, or do you have trouble keeping it going when  one's seed
stash gets larger.  We also could list some varieties that we each really
need help with growing out.  ahhh, such a service!  I find that local
friends i give the seed to, have no inclination to reproduce such like we
do, so never expect it of seed scattered on the winds of pal's home

Would like to hear if these things affect anyone besides me!
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