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[seedsavers] Unfortunate circumstances regarding this list

Evidently this is why Dianne Whealy subscribed to this list:

I got this from out list host today:

"We have received a Cease and Desist letter from a firm representing the Seed Savers Exchange, Incorporated.  They were 
granted a trademark on the Seed Savers name in 1993, and are demanding that we remove or rename the list. 
Unfortunately, we'll have to comply. "

I do not know how anyone can trademark the _word_ seedsavers. I do not think this would stand up in court.

I am removing the literal name of this list, "Seed Saving and Exchange" and will see if that will suffice.
Maybe UNC will allow this to stand and defend us from those disgusting bullies.

If we have to change the name of our list to something else does anyone have any suggestions?

I propose "seedsaving".

See? This is how far the creeps who got temporary control over SSE will go to strike out at anyone supporting Kent
and seed saving in general.

The archives for this list will be private from now on.

Needless to say Ms Whealy has been locked out of this forum permanently; probably on the payroll of Monsanto.

I guess this is what one gets for trying to do anything worthwhile these days. I guess it would be logical to expect 
those who are currently trying to steal the SSE would also attempt to prevent others from developing efforts to save and 
exchange seeds.

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