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[seedsavers] End the agenda

    Some of us are acquainted with Kent and Diane Whealey, some are not.  In
 either case it seems very unprofessional to use this list serve as a forum
 to take sides in their truly unfortunate situation.
    And, because they have a right to protect their name and trademarks and
since it appears they are not afraid of litigation in order to do so, I
think we should all be mindful of the laws which protect individuals from
public disparagement.  Some remarks have been more than unkind, and they¹re
based on assumption, not fact.

    Let's agree to put this to rest and let Lawrence deal with the logistics
 and legalities of the list, with whatever private advisors he chooses. 
    I personally would like to focus on seed-saving.   So, let¹s find a name
 that¹s fully ours, doesn¹t infringe on anyone¹s legal territory and get to
doing what we all really enjoy.  


> Kathleen O'Brien Blair wrote:
>> How about fuckdianewhealyandamygoldmanseedsaving?  :)
> Or: our-guy-finally-traded-in-the-old-Edsel(or was it a
> Yugo)-for-a-Unimog@lists.thehellwithsse.org
> Google Unimog.
> Or: 
> did-amygoldman-finally-marry-theloveofherlife-HenryKissenger@concernedEastTimo
> reseandCentralAmericansandChileans.org
> Or amygoldmans-trainer-for-president@lists.letgreedrule.org
> may-greed-driven-controlfreaks-erode-the-fabric-of-grassroots-USA@bringbackMao
> PolPotStalinHitler.org
>> Or - savingkentwhealysseeds
> Thats a good one. If he came on board and needed an activist forum I would
> have this set up.
>> Or
>> Upyoursseedsavrs?
> or downwithseedsaversx@
>> Or - some synonym for savers - here are synonyms for save:
>>    1.  To extricate, as from danger or confinement: deliver, rescue.
>> Idiom:   come to the rescue of. See  help
>>    2. To protect (an asset) from loss or destruction: conserve, husband,
>> preserve. See keep
>>    3. To use without wasting: conserve, economize, spare. See save
>>    4. To reserve for the future. Also used with up: keep, lay aside, lay
>> away, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, salt away, set by. See keep, save
>>    5. To accumulate and set aside for future use. Also used with up: lay
>> in, lay up, stockpile, store (up). See keep
>> Hmm - #3 - seedsparers ? close enough to piss them off but not close
>> enough to be able to do anything about.
>> Or - seedsavingers?
> seedscavengers@
> seedgleaners@ is a very good one
> the Franciscan order and St Andrews Society do glean or are supportive of
> gleaning unharvested produce for the poor
> I like that one.
>> What about inviting Kent Whealy to join this list?
> I have no idea how to contact him. If someone can supply me with this
> information I will
> try to get him on board.
> Its a shame that the nice women in this list who encouraged me to subscribe
> Dianne were
> probably disappointed in the outcome, not to mention her "performance" as list
> member.
>> Pissed off,
>> Kathleen
> Certainly spurred on our own seed saving and exchanging efforts here in this
> forum.
> You could say "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum"* today.
> * "One ofthe hottest burlesque shows that ever hit Broadway"
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