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Re: [seedsavers] New name for this list.

I'll vote for seedkeepers.  seedsteward is okay as a second choice.
seedharvesters would work, but is not as poetic.

I just looked up the definition of steward and I don't think it
applies as well as keep (with keeper being the one who keeps).


If that link doesn't work, type define: steward into the google search.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Lawrence F. London, Jr.
<lflj@intrex.net> wrote:
> Michael Bathrick wrote:
>  > Mark my vote for seedstewards
>  *seedstewards  2 vote
>  savingseeds
>  * seedkeepers
>  * seedgleaners  1 votes
> seedscavengers
>  seedhunters
>  seedtraders
>  * seedharvesters
>  seedswap
>  seedsaveswap
>  I like seedstewards a little better. steward is in wider use than gleaner
>  though seedgleaners is more poetic
>  2 hours left
>  I will probably lean toward seedstewards
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