Accolades Of The Ball

September 25, 1998

Web Weirdness - Weird, Bizarre, Strange, Odd and Unusual Web Sites This site has been deemed worthy of RandysWeb Official Weird Site Award! This site has been listed among those found to be the most weird, bizarre, strange, odd and unusual web sites on the internet.

March 23, 1998

Well, it has been quite awhile since an award has been bestowed upon the ball, but I just got this one. It is listed under "Boring Hobbies".
Dear The Ball, You've been awarded another cheap award for your great site. The Golden Goblin is now yours, you can trash if you want and because it does not come from a big commercial web site.

October 28, 1997

Center for the Easily Amused Paraphrasing from the announcement message:
From over 100 submissions & nominations received daily, they have chosen the ball to be added to the C*E*A pages (clap, clap). Either they loved the ball, were dazzled by its good looks, or were bribed by its promise of immense amounts of chocolate.

October 26, 1997

This site was selected by COOL dot COM as the Site of the Day. Note that their logo contains a ball. Such a coincidence...

October 15, 1997

Netsurfer Digest mentioned the ball. It is actually a pretty good review; most definitely in keeping with the spirit of the site.

August 9, 1997

This site has been selected as a featured site on Seven Wonders which recognizes new and original pages on the World Wide Web.

August 5, 1997

This site has been selected as a "Pretty Strange Site" by Yahoo! Internet Life.

May 17, 1997

This site was chosen as the first featured site of the Bouncing Ball of the Net.

March 21, 1997

This site won the coveted "WE ROCK" award.

February 19, 1997

This site was reviewed (5 stars, I assume out of 5) for the WebGuide section of Internet Underground, issue #16. Unfortunately, I cannot find the review on their site; can you?

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