Frequently Asked Questions

Most of these can be answered by simply traversing the site, but here they are.
  1. How did I get the ball so nearly perfectly round, smooth, and hard?
  2. What materials are good for the ball?
  3. How do I peel the paper of of the back of wrappers?
  4. Why do the pictures of the ball look elliptical, rather than round?
  5. Are there any other ball projects on the web?
  6. The ball has been around for quite awhile. Why isn't it larger?
  7. Why were there no images from May through August of 1997?
  8. How dangerous is the ball?
  9. Do I have a lot of time on my hands?
  10. Is this real?
  11. How is aluminim foil made?
  12. Why do I wrap different types of foil (colored etc) around the ball and then cover it with other foil? You can't see the cool foil underneath...
  13. Why doesn't the ball have its own domain name?

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