The ball has been around for quite awhile. Why isn't it larger?

You'd be amazed at the amount of work that goes into the care and feeding of the ball. Yes, if I were not trying to keep the ball as round, smooth, and hard as possible, it would most likely be quite a bit larger due to a large amount of air, and due to the time that would be saved by not being particularly careful. Alas, I am, and it is not. 8) If what you really want is size, you can get that at The Giant Aluminum Ball.

Aside from the aforementioned work (I do have a real job, you know), there is also the fact that the growth rate of the ball is tied to the amount of foil that is contributed by myself and others. In the long run, the availability of materials is the real limiting factor.

Also, as the ball increases in size, a given quantity of foil causes less of an increase in the size of the ball.

Finally, one of the defining attributes of this project is that there is no goal size. It is intended to go on indefinitely.

Growth Chart