Doubting Jeff

The message cited below was sent at around the time of the passing of the Hale-Bopp comet, hence the increasingly obscure reference to a ship behind it.

To: Aluminum Foil Ball;
From: Jeff Remick <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: The Ball]

There is a marble in it - unless you can prove otherwise - Just as there is no ship behind the comet, and there is life after death, and Bill Gates is not a monster but a Marketing Genius, etc...

I can be swayed on (almost) any issue with substatial proof; we may need to create a new "real" foil ball to compare mass, density, etc. against your foil ball.

P.S. - I said that there might be a marble in it, or something else...other than foil! I still stand by this based on it's appearance (maybe a real foil ball would look like an egg?


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