Sigs (and Quotes) I've seen and liked

I've not attributed all of them since I don't know who came up with most of them. Remember, this is all in fun....

A letter to the New York Times from one Rosalie Sennet of New York notes that Microsoft's newest TV ad uses the theme of the "Confutatis Maledictis" from Mozart's Requiem. While the screen asks "Where do you want to go today," the chorus sings "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis," which translates to "The damned and accursed are convicted to flames of Hell."

Microsoft's slogan -should- read: "Where do you want to go today? It doesn't matter, you're coming with us."

A rich man who hailed from Seattle #```````
Wrote Win95 to do battle, # ```````
But Mac users pity # ```````
The masses not witty # ```````
Enough to know Wintel's for cattle. #. ```````

Apple Macintoshes have been ready for 2000 since their genesis in 1984. Interestingly enough, however, current Macs will have trouble in the year 29940 -- keep that in mind if your business plans extend 28,000 years or so.

This just out: it has been determined that Salad Forks are not Y2K compatible, and won't work after 12/31/1999. Until cutlery manufacturers can issue appropriate patches for their hardware, users are encouraged to purchase a set of chopsticks. The fallback plan, using the dinner fork for the salad, has been rejected as tacky.

"Intel spends an average of $8,000 a year per for each PC to keep its internal PC network running, and that figure is probably close to what other corporations spend, Intel spokesman Tom Waldrop said." The Oregonian, 9/25/96, Anthony Effinger

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better," So I bought a Macintosh.

"640 KB ought to be enough for anybody" Bill G., 1981 (although to be fair, a good friend of mine who was a computer science told me in 1981 that 8KB in a Timex Sinclair would be more ram than I'd ever need).

"This is something the compulsive tinkerers among the Wintel crowd never seem to get. We've come a long way from the Altair. For most users, a computer is a tool, not a hobby-- a sizeable majority of users would be perfectly happy with a car and a computer with hoods they never had to open. They just want to drive." -- Andy Walton, on comp.sys.mac.advocacy

DOS Computers manufactured by companies such as IBM, Compaq, Tandy, and millions of others are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use wordwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form.

Macintosh: "Prepare kids for what they will be using tomorrow, not for what people are using today."

"How could (Y2K) be a problem in a country where we have Intel and Microsoft?" - Vice President Al Gore, answering his own question.

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."

"Yeah - I'm running Win 95 - like the other 98% of corporate PC users who are not allowed to just go and willy-nilly install sh*t on their PCs at work. Which is kind of ironic considering that Win95 is sh*t anyway...." -quote from alt.flame.macintosh

"There are people who don't like capitalism, and there are people who don't like PCs, but there's no one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft." -BILL GATES

"If you can't make it good, make it look good." -BILL GATES, 1995

With the release of Windows 2000, we're gonna party likes it's 1899!!

Just say no to confusing .ini, .bat, .dll, .exe, and BIOS and buy a Mac!!!

When translated into Chinese and back again the Microsoft slogan reads "Where ever you want to go. We'll make sure you get taken".

"There is hardly anything in the world that some men cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only, are this man's lawful prey." -John Ruskin

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