Why Macintosh?

A tongue in cheek response to people who claim you shouldn't buy a mac.

In fairness, don't think I'm saying that Mac users haven't faced "challenges" of their own (such as System 7.5.x, Performa 6xx, PB5300s, LCs unable to cope with ethernet, to name a few), but a large number of folks think Macs are easier to deal with and more fun to use than other machines.

  1. Why not? They're fast, easy to manage, and as long are you can get what software you want, you'll be fine.
  2. Actually, you can run more software on a Mac than on any other hardware platform. In addition to MacOS, current PowerMacs support MKlinux, Mach10, BeOS, MacOS X raw on hardware, and DOS, Windows95/98/NT via software emulation or hardware boards. Not to mention Playstation CDs and old arcade games. You can even run OS/2. Oh, and if you're really a masochistic, don't forget AIX and AU/X on some of the older units....
  3. You can hold Mac laptops in your lap without burning your legs, and get as long as seven hours out of a single battery.
  4. Total Cost of Ownership is lower. You may pay a little more for a Macintosh (maybe!) than you would for a PC, but more than likely you'll never have to upgrade it. And in my experience, the average useful life span is 4-5 years, instead of 2-3 years for PCs.
  5. Plug and play, not plug and pray. Typically, if you do upgrade your Mac, you'll most likely be able to do it yourself, without having to spend a lot of time on getting the new hardware to work.
  6. They're Y2K compliant, and always have been.
  7. Sure, MacOS doesn't multi-task as well as unix or nt (yet), but neither do I. How many things can you do at once?
  8. Not much to worry about in the way of viruses.
  9. The cheap ones are fast and come in pretty colors.
  10. No registry. 'nuff said.
  11. Well, mebbe not. No IRQs either. ('