Brian Eno

For info on Eno events, installations, CD release dates, lectures, performances, books and stuff Eno is doing. This is the Where/When page. There's a general Eno News page for longer detail and specifics, pointers to press coverage of events, etc. Also see our Tangents project for info of possible interest to Eno fans, friends of Eno, etc.

I'd like to have a complete
curriculuum of the installations
released by Eno, and, if it's possible
in a detailed way the events realased in

thank you

Enrico Marani

Enrico Marani <>
- Tuesday, December 01, 1998 at 15:13:30 (EST)

The Eno broadcast mentioned before, on the Dutch radio station The Concertzender, will be on February 19, 1997, starting 6 PM.

Aad van Nieuwkerk <>
- Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 19:37:02 (EST)

The Concertzender, a Dutch cable radio station, will be broadcasting a 14 hour special on Brian Eno, including interviews, tracks from most of the solo albums as well as from albums produced by Brian Eno, as well as recordings of music which influenced Eno (Cage, Reich a.o.), as well as 8 hours of ambient recordings.
Part of the broadcast can also be heard on Kink FM (cable throughout the Netherlands).
Playlists will be published on the Concertzender site (

Aad van Nieuwkerk <>
- Saturday, February 08, 1997 at 19:35:05 (EST)

Brian Eno will be present in a live chat/RealAudio forum on HotWired,
Wednesday, June 5th, at 2 p.m. I assume a lot of the talk is going to be
about the upcoming Imagination Convergence in San Fransisco.
You may have to become a HotWired VIP member to join in; if so, it's easy.
Go to and follow the directions.
Details in the "Club Wired" section.
(I'm not affiliated with HotWired in any fashion, BTW)

Sister Alizarine <>
- Friday, May 31, 1996 at 14:59:19 (EDT)

Join Brian Eno, Spike Lee and Laurie Anderson in San Francisco

for a creative convergence on June 8th!

just wanted to add a hot link pointer for more info on the event...

- Friday, May 17, 1996 at 15:16:26 (EDT)

===== IMAGINATION =====
On June 8th 1996 @ 7:00 PM at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium,
San Francisco, Brian Eno, Spike Lee and Laurie Anderson will introduce
special presentations of their work and ideas.

For further information and booking info, point your browser at

Tom Boon <>
- Tuesday, May 14, 1996 at 15:52:12 (EDT)