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Business @ Indiana University (USA)

Dissertation Activity and MPACT Scores (click table headings to sort)

- Name A C A+C G T TA TD W
1.Janet Near13411011
2.Terry Holcomb13411011
3.Frank Acito03300000
4.George Dreher12311011
5.Tillman Klumpp03300000
6.M. A. Venkataramanan02200000
7.James M. Wahlen20212022
8.M. Daniel Beneish02200000
9.Gerald L. Salamon02200000
10.William Corsaro02200000
11.Michael R. Baye11211011
12.Victor Goodman02200000
13.John W. Maxwell10111011
14.David Waterman01100000
15.Gregory F. Udell10111011
16.Darius Miller01100000
17.George Allayannis01100000
18.Craig W. Holden01100000
19.Philip M. Podsakoff10111011
20.Dennis W. Organ01100000
21.Rosann L. Spiro10111011
22.Rockney G. Walters01100000
23.Kurt M. Bretthauer10111011
24.F. Robert Jacobs01100000
25.J. Douglas Blocher01100000

Dissertations Conferred

Dissertations by Year:

1. Dong Chen (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
2. Katherine B. Hartman (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
3. Jeong-Yeon Lee (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
4. Ugur Lel (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
5. Stephen Mahar (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
6. Matthew M. Wieland (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected