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Geology @ Indiana University (USA)

Dissertation Activity and MPACT Scores (click table headings to sort)

- Name A C A+C G T TA TD W
1.Robert Glassey02200000
2.Simon C Brassell11211011
3.James T. Drummond02200000
4.Randall Bramley11211011
5.Michael Hamburger02200000
6.Lisa M Pratt10111011
7.Abhijit Basu01100000
8.Edward M. Ripley01100000
9.Mark Person10111011
10.Enrique Merino01100000
11.Hendrik Haitjema01100000
12.Gary L. Pavlis10111011
13.Arthur B. Weglein01100000
14.Albert J. Rudman01100000
15.Bogdan G. Nita01100000

Dissertations Conferred

Dissertations by Year:

1. Brandy Lynn Anglen (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
2. Chengliang Fan (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected
3. Zhang Ye (2005) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected