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Chemistry @ University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA)

Dissertation Activity and MPACT Scores (click table headings to sort)

- Name A C A+C G T TA TD W
1.Michel R. Gagné11211011
2.Jeffrey S. Johnson02200000
3.Cynthia K. Schauer02200000
4.Joseph L. Templeton10111011
5.Kevin Weeks10111011
6.Linda L. Spremulli01100000
7.Howard M. Fried01100000
8.Matthew Redinbo01100000
9.Ronald Swanstrom01100000
10.Wenbin Lin01100000
11.Maurice S. Brookhart01100000
12.Malcolm D. E. Forbes01100000
13.Sergei Sheiko10111011
14.Michael Rubinstein01100000
15.Jan Genzer01100000
16.Valerie Sheares Ashby01100000
17.Thomas Baer01100000
18.Michael T. Crimmins10111011
19.Susan T. Lord10111011
20.Mark Schoenfisch10111011
21.Roy R. Hantgan01100000
22.James W. Jorgensen01100000
23.Mark M. Wightman01100000

Dissertations Conferred

Dissertations by Year:

1. Isaac LaRue (2006)
2. Carri Brodnax Geer (2007)
3. Margaret G. MacDonald (2007)
4. Charles A. Mullen (2007)
5. Kevin A. Wilkinson (2007)
6. J. Lucas Zuccarello (2007)
7. Justin Michael Kita (2008) ---------------------------------- Incomplete - Not_Inspected