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Library and Information Science

Dissertations by Year:
0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Schools Represented

SchoolIncomplete - Not_InspectedIncomplete - InspectedIncomplete - AmbiguousComplete - Except IndecipherablesFully Complete
Carnegie Institute of Technology (1)01 (100.0%)000
Carnegie Mellon University (3)3 (100.0%)0000
Case Western Reserve University (139)8 (5.8%)3 (2.2%)1 (0.7%)24 (17.3%)103 (74.1%)
Catholic University of America (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Columbia University (177)16 (9.0%)25 (14.1%)53 (29.9%)1 (0.6%)82 (46.3%)
Complutense University of Madrid (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Dominican University (9)08 (88.9%)001 (11.1%)
Drexel University (95)1 (1.1%)1 (1.1%)0093 (97.9%)
Emporia State University (26)1 (3.8%)00025 (96.2%)
Eötvös Loránd University (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Florida State University (249)1 (0.4%)000248 (99.6%)
George Peabody College (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Indiana University (189)4 (2.1%)1 (0.5%)01 (0.5%)183 (96.8%)
Keio University (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Library Association of Great Britain (1)01 (100.0%)000
Long Island University (11)01 (9.1%)1 (9.1%)09 (81.8%)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1)1 (100.0%)0000
McGill University (16)01 (6.2%)0015 (93.8%)
Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 University (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Peabody Library School (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Rutgers University (280)7 (2.5%)31 (11.1%)2 (0.7%)27 (9.6%)213 (76.1%)
SUNY, Albany (65)2 (3.1%)5 (7.7%)1 (1.5%)057 (87.7%)
SUNY, Buffalo (16)7 (43.8%)0009 (56.2%)
Simmons College (80)02 (2.5%)1 (1.2%)077 (96.2%)
St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Syracuse University (111)3 (2.7%)7 (6.3%)7 (6.3%)094 (84.7%)
Texas Woman's University (74)5 (6.8%)004 (5.4%)65 (87.8%)
The City University, London (2)2 (100.0%)0000
Universite Laval (1)01 (100.0%)000
University of Alabama (25)1 (4.0%)1 (4.0%)0023 (92.0%)
University of Alberta (1)00001 (100.0%)
University of Antwerp (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of Arizona (13)000013 (100.0%)
University of Buffalo (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of California, Berkeley (106)14 (13.2%)1 (0.9%)010 (9.4%)81 (76.4%)
University of California, Los Angeles (77)000077 (100.0%)
University of California, San Francisco (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of Chicago (158)12 (7.6%)48 (30.4%)32 (20.3%)2 (1.3%)64 (40.5%)
University of Denver (1)00001 (100.0%)
University of Hawaii (37)000037 (100.0%)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (239)23 (9.6%)1 (0.4%)1 (0.4%)10 (4.2%)204 (85.4%)
University of Kentucky (2)1 (50.0%)0001 (50.0%)
University of London (2)01 (50.0%)01 (50.0%)0
University of Maryland (62)3 (4.8%)2 (3.2%)1 (1.6%)1 (1.6%)55 (88.7%)
University of Maryland, College Park (3)00003 (100.0%)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (202)11 (5.4%)7 (3.5%)00184 (91.1%)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (17)2 (11.8%)3 (17.6%)1 (5.9%)011 (64.7%)
University of Missouri (32)3 (9.4%)002 (6.2%)27 (84.4%)
University of Mysore (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of New South Wales (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of North Carolina (1)1 (100.0%)0000
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (119)3 (2.5%)000116 (97.5%)
University of North Texas (183)8 (4.4%)1 (0.5%)11 (6.0%)22 (12.0%)141 (77.0%)
University of Oklahoma (4)2 (50.0%)2 (50.0%)000
University of Pennsylvania (1)01 (100.0%)000
University of Pittsburgh (392)7 (1.8%)18 (4.6%)20 (5.1%)5 (1.3%)342 (87.2%)
University of Sheffield (3)2 (66.7%)001 (33.3%)0
University of Southern California (50)8 (16.0%)0012 (24.0%)30 (60.0%)
University of Tampere (3)3 (100.0%)0000
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (4)00004 (100.0%)
University of Texas, Austin (68)6 (8.8%)1 (1.5%)1 (1.5%)5 (7.4%)55 (80.9%)
University of Toronto (70)5 (7.1%)14 (20.0%)0051 (72.9%)
University of Washington, Seattle (17)1 (5.9%)00016 (94.1%)
University of Western Ontario (57)4 (7.0%)5 (8.8%)2 (3.5%)3 (5.3%)43 (75.4%)
University of Wisconsin, Madison (101)3 (3.0%)2 (2.0%)1 (1.0%)8 (7.9%)87 (86.1%)
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (6)001 (16.7%)05 (83.3%)
Université de Montréal (12)0001 (8.3%)11 (91.7%)
[No School Recorded] (5)5 (100.0%)0000
68 Schools (3632 dissertations)202 (5.6%)196 (5.4%)137 (3.8%)140 (3.9%)2957 (81.4%)