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Dissertation Information for Bette E. Schneiderman

- Bette E. Schneiderman

- Ph.D.

- Educational Psychology

- Hofstra University (USA) (1990)

- Liora Pedhazur Schmelkin

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: College seniors' attitudes toward factors of teacher reform

Abstract: "The present investigation was undertaken to assess college seniors' attitudes toward a variety of critical aspects of teacher and teacher education reform today. It was thought that college seniors, about to embark upon their futures, both professionally and personally, would be an important source of insight and information as well as an important target to which information should be disseminated. All Hofstra University seniors were considered as the population for the study (N = 1, 658) with approximately one-fourth (n = 425) randomly selected as subjects.

To assess students' attitudes, an instrument comprised of items tapping key ideas related to teacher reform was constructed. Major topics built into the instrument were (a) the structure of the teaching force, (b) financial concerns, (c) the substance of the field of education and the standards used to measure those in the field, and (d) the concept of the teacher as a professional. Numerous other ideas were included within each topic (e.g., teacher pay by merit, teacher accountability, teacher autonomy, teacher control, national, state, or local authority over teachers). Subjects were required to indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement to the ideas which were presented to them.

An exploratory factor analysis (principal axis factoring with squared multiple correlations as initial estimates of communality) was performed to study the structure of the items. With seventy-five percent of the sample responding, results pointed to a four factor orthogonal solution with factors tapping the ideas of (a) TEAM, a team structure led by an outstanding leader which would be conducive to bringing into the field different high quality types of individuals, (b) MONEY, funding to support a superior teaching system in which teacher pay is competitive with other top paying professions, (c) RIGOR, a rigorous teacher education program with high entry and exit standards to ensure a quality teacher for the education field as well as a national board of teaching standards to certify those high quality teachers, and (d) ABILITY, a teaching force comprised of individuals of substantial intellectual ability."

MPACT Scores for Bette E. Schneiderman

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-11-02 21:12:44

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