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Dissertation Information for Nicholas J. Mauro

- Nicholas J. Mauro
- (Alias) Nicholas James Mauro

- Ph.D.

- Management

- New York University (USA) (1987)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected


Abstract: "The purpose of this study was to acquire insights into the unique relationship of business ethics, managerial decision-making and organizational values and culture. The corporation selected for study was a multibillion dollar, high telecommunications/computer corporation that enjoyed a reputation for high ethical standards. Permission was obtained from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to interview a cross section of managers about the problems of business ethics and managerial decision-making.

Intensive interviews were conducted with 21 participants who responded to an 18-question interview schedule. Data analysis was carried out using methods recommended by ethnographic researchers.

Findings indicated that: (1) participants perceived that defining both ethics and business ethics was difficult, yet they exhibited specific views on the subjects, (2) a code of behavior, although a derivative of personal values, is viewed as distinctly different from a personal value system, (3) a manager's value system can be reshaped but doing so is very difficult, (4) ethical decision making was not perceived as difficult by participants, (5) the media ethics was a serious question to consider in regard to the reporting of unethical activities of businesspeople, (6) an organization's management philosophy influences the ethical behavior of a manager, (7) the role of attorneys in ethical decision making was perceived as either passive or active by different participants, (8) it is the firm that should set the standards for behavior in an industry, (9) a good corporate culture reflects good business ethics, (10) money is an extremely important factor that influences a manager's ethics in decision making, (11) participants possessed an awareness of corporate social responsibility, (12) U.S. managers are perceived to be more ethical than those outside of the U.S., (13) some participants saw no contradiction between a good image and a good profit, (14) technological unemployment and intelligent implementation of labor-saving devices are ethical issues, (15) participants perceived an organization that supported affirmative action to also reflect ethical decision making by its managers, and (16) the premise that managers experience problems in business ethics as a result of wide exposure to the achievements of the Robber Barons was negated."

MPACT Scores for Nicholas J. Mauro

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:08:19

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