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Dissertation Information for Ada L. Sinacore-Guinn

- Ada L. Sinacore-Guinn
- (Alias) Ada Louise Sinacore-Guinn

- Ph.D.

- Psychology

- Columbia University (USA) (1993)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: The measurement and construct validity of the theory of systemic-subjective control

Abstract: "This study begins by examining the theoretical formulation and application of the locus of control construct. It raises questions in regards to the failure of the basic theoretical framework of social learning theory and, concomitantly, locus of control to incorporate a developmental and emotional theoretical perspective. It analyzes the emphasis psychologists have placed on the importance of being internal, provides evidence of bias in the measurement devices and criticizes the limited antecedent literature. Furthermore, it questions the legitimacy of the locus of control construct in light of the fact it is analogous to coping theory. Finally, a theme that is carried throughout the entire study is the problem of dichotomization as applied to personal control. It is argued that this dichotomization creates a theory which is fraught with cultural bias resulting in a narrow and unhealthy view of personal control.

Out of an understanding of these limitations the theory of Systemic-Subjective Control was developed. The theory of systemic-subjective control postulates a dualistic model of control consisting of two control beliefs, entitled systemic and subjective control which work conjointly to enhance or inhibit an individual's sense of control over various situations. The theory's second postulate is that a person's experience of these two beliefs will vary between different psychological domains.

In order to test the theory and operationalize the control construct the Systemic-Subjective Control Device was developed. The device consists of two scales: (a) a Family Systemic-Subjective Control Scale and; (b) a Career Systemic-Subjective Control Scale. Both of these scales have two subscales: (a) systemic subscale and; (b) subjective subscale. The device also provides a measure of overall systemic control and overall subjective control.

Content validity of the device was established by a corp of expert judges. Data were collected from 171 working mothers. Reliability was established using the alpha coefficient. Convergent and discriminant validity was established by examining the pattern of correlations between: job satisfaction and the career control; and the family environmental and family control. Factor analytic techniques were employed to provide further evidence for validity of the measure and the construct.

It was concluded that: (a) control is a dualistic construct which is expressed differently across psychological domains; (b) the theory of Systemic Subjective Control is valid and warrants further exploration; and (c) the Systemic-Subjective Control Device is a reliable and valid instrument. Implications for future research are also discussed."

MPACT Scores for Ada L. Sinacore-Guinn

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:08:26

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