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Dissertation Information for Amanda Spink

- Amanda Spink
- (Alias) Amanda Helen Spink

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Rutgers University (USA) (1993)

- Tefko Saracevic

- Nicholas Belkin
- Hartmut Mokros
- Stan Nash

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Feedback in information retrieval

Abstract: This study explores the human aspects of feedback in information retrieval (IR). Feedback is an important concept within information retrieval studies, as an underlying aspect of the interaction between user and information retrieval system. But the problem analysis and literature review reveal that feedback is relatively ambiguous and underresearched in information retrieval studies. This lack of research suggests a systematic study of feedback is required to add to our understanding and modeling of the interaction process.

The aim of the study is to add to our understanding of the nature of feedback during information retrieval interaction. The general research question is: What is nature of feedback in IR interaction? The specific questions are: (1) What are the types of feedback? (2) What is the relationship between types of feedback? (3) What is the relationship between feedback and search terminology? and (4) What are the roles of the user, intermediary and information retrieval system in feedback?

Research methods include an exploratory grounded theory micro-analysis, log-linear analysis and Markov analysis. A feedback unit of analysis was identified. 885 feedback occurrences and five types of feedback, reflecting user-intermediary concern with magnitude, relevance and strategy, were identified from 40 user-intermediary-information retrieval system interactions. Sequences of feedback occurrences were examined using log-linear and Markov analysis. Quantitative analysis was also conducted into the effectiveness of search terms identified during relevance feedback.

The results show that feedback is a more complex process than previously understood in information retrieval research. Magnitude and relevance feedback were found to be major elements in the online search process. The study proposes a conceptual framework for the concept of feedback and a notion of a grammar of information retrieval interactions.

MPACT Scores for Amanda Spink

A = 3
C = 7
A+C = 10
T = 3
G = 1
W = 3
TD = 3
TA = 0
calculated 2008-06-08 20:41:09

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