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Dissertation Information for Philip Doty

- Philip Doty

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Syracuse University (USA) (1995)

- Charles R. McClure

- Jeffrey H. Katzer
- Murali Venkatesh
- Wayne Edgar Fordyce
- Barbara H Kwasnik

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Electronic networks and the reward structure of academic science

Abstract: Academic scientists, like others in the sciences and engineering, have become increasingly reliant on distributed computing and communication technologies, or networking, to perform their work tasks. There has been little empirical investigation, however, of how networks support academic scientists in the performance of all of their professional activities, including those related to the typology of teaching, research, and service. While there is a family established reward system, e.g., tenure, promotion, and merit pay, in academia, there is no clear understanding of how academic scientists who use networks or those who do not are discouraged from doing so.

This study was a constructivist, user-based empirical investigation, a case study of a large research university using a variety of data collection strategies and a variety of qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. Academic scientists in six disciplines (Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Geology, Geography, and Sociology) provided the primary data for the study through a mail survey and a focus group. These data were supplemented by data from interviews with Deans, Department Heads, information technology support staff, and others at the University; and from review of institutional and departmental reward policies, planning documents, and other sources.

The results of the study show that faculty members are using networks increasingly, but they are not granted nor do they expect formal rewards for electronic activity. Informal rewards, such as peer recognition, are often received, but departmental and university administrators do not explicitly reward faculty members for integrating the use of disturbed computing and communication into their work. The study also found some important differences with regard to reward and use of distributed computing and communication by department, professional rank, and gender. There are many negative consequences of the dislocation between faculty activity and the reward structure of academic science, and the study concludes with recommendations to help avoid or alleviate those consequences.

MPACT Scores for Philip Doty

A = 8
C = 8
A+C = 16
T = 9
G = 2
W = 8
TD = 8.5
TA = 1
calculated 2010-09-28 00:41:15

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