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Dissertation Information for Kristin Eschenfelder

- Kristin Eschenfelder

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Syracuse University (USA) (2001)

- Robert L. Heckman

- Charles R. McClure
- Richard David Lankes
- Gisela M. von Dran
- Steven Burton Sawyer
- Carol A. Hert

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Comparing the perceived problems of distributed and centralized World Wide Web system managers: A modified goal theory approach

Abstract: This qualitatively based study explores the post-implementation web management problems of web managers who work in both centralized information systems units (CWM) and distributed functional units (DWM) within four traditional manufacturing sites. The study also investigates related web management goals and the influence of contextual factors (especially organizational position) on problems and goals.

The study presents these related problems, goals, and contextual factors in a "web management worlds" framework. It presents a general general experiences of any web manager at companies similar to the study sites. It also presents a CWM world and a DWM world. These world frameworks serve to illustrate how CWM and DWM experiences differ in terms of the customer and product sets for which they have responsibility and how these differences lead them to hold different goals and perceive different problems.

Additionally, the study compares problems experienced by web managers with problems experienced by managers of other types of IT. Study findings first suggest that web managers experience problems similar to those of other IT managers. They also suggest however that web managers may experience some unique problems related to the marketing orientation, high visibility and the interconnectedness of content on the web IS.

MPACT Scores for Kristin Eschenfelder

A = 6
C = 3
A+C = 9
T = 6
G = 1
W = 6
TD = 6
TA = 0
calculated 2012-08-11 11:03:52

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