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Dissertation Information for Patricia Ann Squires

- Patricia Ann Squires

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Texas Woman's University (USA) (1993)

- Bernard Schlessinger
- Keith Swigger

- James Thomas
- Jim Ronald Alexander

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: An application of the Learning Skills Model and the Boyatzis Managerial Competency Model: Competencies that distinguish between superior and average performing managers within public libraries

Abstract: This research examines the competencies that distinguish superior performing managers from average performing managers in large public libraries. Six major questions were developed to guide this research which focus on the types of skills which are most critical to the mid-level library manager, the current level of public librarian managerial skill development, gaps that exist between job demand and skill level, and whether critical skills vary by managerial level.

Data were collected from a national sample of mid-level library managers in large public library systems. These managers had been identified by their systems as either superior or average performers. Skill and job demand levels were assessed by the use of the Learning Skills Profile; the managers assessed their own skill level, while their managers and subordinates used the LSP to assess the skill level of the mid-level managers.

Of the Learning Skills Profiles' four major skill quadrants, three (Interpersonal, Action and Information) were rated as requiring higher skill level than the subjects rated themselves as having. Two of these, Interpersonal Skills and Behavioral Skills, were rated highest in terms of Job Demand and Personal Skills. The position of the mid-level manager was found to heavily involve both Interpersonal and Action skills, with the least use of Analytical skills. The Profile was also found to successfully distinguish the skills required of mid-level versus senior level managers.

These data resulted in the creation and partial validation of a competency model for mid-level public library managers.

MPACT Scores for Patricia Ann Squires

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:12:42

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