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Dissertation Information for Adrianna Lancaster

- Adrianna Lancaster

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Texas Woman's University (USA) (1997)

- Keith Swigger

- Don E. Edwards
- John D'Angelo

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Validation of a distance education policy model: A case study of Texas

Abstract: Higher-education faces significant educational problems: declining financial resources, advancing technology, and changing student demographics. Texas, in particular, faces a rapidly growing population especially in terms of diversity and a large geographical service area. Distance education is one strategy for meeting these challenges. Traditional policy mechanisms of higher education fail to accommodate issues created by this new mode of educational delivery. Policy makers need a policy framework within which to make informed decisions. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to investigate state-level policy development of distance education in Texas and (2) to validate a policy taxonomy. A taxonomy developed by Richard Hezel serves as the organizing structure to further the model-building process.

Policy analysis incorporates an empirico-inductive approach, guiding discovering and model building. A multimethod strategy, including focused synthesis, participant observation, case study and content analysis, was used. This study determines the usefulness of Hezel's taxonomy relevant to Texas state distance education policy. The policy-making context, consisting of the structural process, mechanisms and tools, stakeholders, and the power structure is described. Specific Texas state-level policies for distance education in higher education are discussed.

As a framework for addressing distance education policy on the state level, Hezel's taxonomy serves as a useful structure for the examination of policy initiatives but needs revision in focus, role, scope, and conceptualization. Hezel focuses on technology to the detriment of other issues. Although the taxonomy was developed for all educational levels, for the purpose of this study, the role of the state in the taxonomy needs to be revised. Hezel addresses most of the issues involved in distance education but the scope and organization are inappropriate for the policy-making context in Texas. Finally, the conceptualization of Hezel's taxonomy fails to consider the system nature of policy development for distance education.

This study proposes a revised state model using Hezel's taxonomy as a framework and incorporating the elements of the policy analysis. In addition, an institutional model is proposed.

MPACT Scores for Adrianna Lancaster

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:12:49

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