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Dissertation Information for Theresa Pardo

- Theresa Pardo

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (1998)

- Anthony M. Creswell

- Salvatore Belardo
- Sharon S. Dawes
- Peter Bloniarz

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Reducing the risks of innovative uses of information technology in the public sector: A multidisciplinary model

Abstract: This study examined the utility of current intervention and innovation models for reducing the risks of information technology innovation in the public sector. The result is an enhanced model for reducing the risks and improving the effectiveness of the innovation process. The enhanced model is based on an analysis of the degree to which the selected models fit what was observed in six public agency IT innovation processes.

The study is based on a comprehensive data set collected on similar projects conducted by the New York State Center for Technology in Government during 1995-96. The study employed a multi-method approach, including a survey, content analysis, observation, and interviews to produce case descriptions. Propositions about the process of innovation were developed based on a comparative analysis of the case descriptions. The propositions were then used to assess the fit between what was accounted for by the existing models and what was observed. The propositions not accounted for were compared to the best fitting of the existing models: correlates of public sector innovation (Hannah, 1995). An enhanced version of that model was developed, employing modified treatment of the role of goal alignment, visualization, participation, prototyping, and resources as they relate to innovation development.

The enhanced model has implications for IT innovation as a strategically important process in the public sector. Goals for performance improvements are a high priority for a wide range of public organizations, and are often directly linked to improved use of information and related technology. Reducing the risks of information technology (IT) innovation in the public sector is key to the successful introduction of more effective and efficient technology based service delivery programs. The enhanced model provides public sector managers a greater understanding of the innovation process leading to overall risk reduction as they seek to enhance service delivery through innovative use of information technology

MPACT Scores for Theresa Pardo

A = 3
C = 3
A+C = 6
T = 3
G = 1
W = 3
TD = 3
TA = 0
calculated 2014-03-10 23:19:00

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