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Dissertation Information for Martin Fogelman

- Martin Fogelman

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (1999)

- Sue Faerman

- Salvatore Belardo
- Thomas J. Galvin

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A study of freedom of expression and technology: The case of computer-mediated communication (CMC)

Abstract: This dissertation is a qualitative inquiry into how changing technology affects perceptions of the limits of freedom of expression across media forms, and into the influence of groups and individuals on government censorship and other content controls.

Regarding the past, present and future implications and dimensions of freedom of expression's relationship to technology, the research builds toward a theory of the changing nature of electronic media over time. Addressed are implications of two general research questions: (1) What are appropriate limits of freedom of expression in the computer-mediated communication environment? (2) What are the various stakeholder groups and their roles in the debate over content control?

Answers to these research questions are sought through two methods: an analysis of relevant literature on the subject; and interviews with government officials, industry representatives, public interest activists, and other prominent thinkers. Subjects reveal their views on the conflict between the rights of some individuals to communicate actively and passively versus the desire or need of others to avoid content they consider objectionable. Participants contribute as well their own construction of the history of content control, the factors which affect its policies, and the unfolding debate over free expression in Cyberspace. Several issues of Internet content filtering are discussed in detail.

The project analyzes the development of content control policy in this new media environment. The research is informed by the body of existing work on censorship and other forms of content control, writings on the socio-political effects of the introduction of previous communication technology developments, and materials addressing the relationship between freedom and technology. The research methodology employed is an iterative and incremental process, grounded largely in the understanding of the expressed goals and attitudes of a diverse range of people and groups influencing this important public debate. Conclusions and recommendations are presented and their legal, political and social dimensions discussed

MPACT Scores for Martin Fogelman

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:08

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