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Dissertation Information for George Berg

- George Berg
- (Alias) Howard George Berg Jr.

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- Northwestern University (USA) (1988)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A massively parallel natural language processing architecture with distributed control

Abstract: "This research describes a new massively parallel model for natural language processing and knowledge representation. This model, Autonomous Semantic Networks (ASNs), addresses shortcomings in previous approaches. The serial-processor models of natural language processing become bogged down in the searching and manipulation of the large amounts of world knowledge they need to understand the texts they read. The existing massively parallel models have the potential to avoid that bottleneck. However, the current state of the art makes necessary operations such as variable binding and the use of ordered relations extremely difficult. The ASN model represents a middle road--a massively parallel model which can easily build and manipulate representations of new and changed concepts resulting from the reading of the input. This is an essential ability for a natural language processing system to have in order to handle inference and anaphoric reference.

The ASN model has as its basis a spreading activation-based network of units and the connections between them. These form the knowledge representation portion of the model. In addition ASNs have two other classes of nodes. The first, WTA nodes, allows the search and selection among units based upon their activation. The second class of nodes is the construction nodes. Construction nodes manipulate the units in the knowledge representation. Depending on the exact type of node, it can either add a connection between units, delete a connection or allocate a new unit. The notion of indirection in the operations of construction nodes allows them to implement variable-like constructs.

The usefulness of ASNs is shown by a network which processes a simple multiple-sentence text. The implementation of schemata, disambiguation and discourse processing in ASN-based systems is also discussed."

MPACT Scores for George Berg

A = 1
C = 2
A+C = 3
T = 1
G = 1
W = 1
TD = 1
TA = 0
calculated 2014-03-10 23:13:51

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