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Dissertation Information for Peter Otto

- Peter Otto

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (2002)

- Salvatore Belardo

- George Richardson
- William David Danko
- James Michael Lyneis

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Understanding the misbehavior of brand strategies: A dynamic modeling approach

Abstract: A well-managed brand represents a major asset for many consumer product companies. Whether it is Coke® or Kleenex® , consumers are willing to pay premium prices for established brands because of the perception of quality and the life style that the brand conveys. Building and sustaining a brand is an expensive, complex, and challenging task for a manager. While there exist models and processes for this purpose, most are based on mental models, as well as the tacit knowledge that successful managers have acquired through experience and practice. While such knowledge is extremely difficult to elicit, making it explicit in a system dynamics model could dramatically improve the brand management decision-making process. It would permit the testing of the complex mix of assumptions that underlie brand strategy and provide decision makers with the ability to explore various scenarios, policies, and decisions, thus reduce uncertainty in decision making.

The research study presents a system dynamics model of the brand management process, which is calibrated against real word data. It makes explicit the normal mental models of brand managers and combines the dynamic forces of markets into the decision-making process.

The generic model is useful because it provide insights on how a firm can control a desired level of brand equity, thus achieve a sustainable growth or to prevent a decline of its intangible assets. Furthermore, in explicitly showing the complex and dynamic environment in which brand equity occurs, the model highlights the challenges that the task of brand management presents to brand driven companies.

This research will also be of interest to managers and marketing experts for a number of reasons. First, the model provides insights into the feedback structure of a complex system like that of a brand. Secondly, the research looks at decision support tools, which are used in marketing, and evaluates their use to support decision making in unstructured situations versus the use of a system dynamics approach. Furthermore, the study provides insights on how to optimize marketing strategies and to effectively manage brand equity from a resource based perspective.

MPACT Scores for Peter Otto

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:27

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