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Dissertation Information for Hans J. Scholl

- Hans J. Scholl

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (2002)

- Salvatore Belardo

- Jagdish Gangolly
- George Richardson

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Firm survival: A theory-integration study

Abstract: In this dissertation, theories of the firm are studied which view the firm from a neoclassical, transaction-cost, resource-based, strategic-management, knowledge-based, stakeholder, and a syn-referential perspective. It is proposed and tested that the integration of these theories provides a richer picture of the firm than the pure economic, informational, or stakeholder views in isolation. Through the integration of the contributing theories into a more holistic view, hidden relationships in the development of what is referred to as the dynamic capabilities of the firm are uncovered. In a quasi-experimental setting, i.e., on the basis of a formal model using differential equations various relationships and dynamics of knowledge accumulations in so-called search and renewal capabilities are studied, how they influence different levels of organizational capabilities and core competencies , which in turn determine the firm's value-adding potential under various scenarios via computer simulation. The study focuses on firm endogenous relationships and demonstrates the interdependency of various likely influences leading to firm survival or failure. Interestingly, exogenous influences such as competitive pressures, the business cycle, and other external influences are not necessarily the main causes for early firm decay. Rather endogenous influences by themselves can be powerful inhibitors of a firm's long-term survival.

MPACT Scores for Hans J. Scholl

A = 0
C = 2
A+C = 2
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-28 01:09:57

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