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Dissertation Information for Christian Bach

- Christian Bach

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (2004)

- Salvatore Belardo

- Giri Tayi
- William David Danko

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Increase of organizational performance in complex knowledge-intensive industries through the employment of IT applications

Abstract: The complexity of knowledge intensive industries requires that decision makers have access to extensive stores of data, information, even knowledge that various sources including nominal competitors possess if they are to help the firm prosper and survive. To do this, the decision makers will require sophisticated information technologies and systems that can handle the volume and complexity of data that our high technology information economy creates daily. Much of this information is generated by nominal competitors. In order to access this information firms will need to somehow ensure the collaboration of firms unaccustomed to sharing. In analyzing such situations, Nunamaker et al. (2001) recognized that most efforts to solve such problems focused almost exclusively on either on the technical issues or on the human issues but seldom on both. In order to call attention to the need to address both the information processing and collaboration aspects the authors devised a framework, the Intellectual Bandwidth Model (IBM), which is the result of juxtaposing the technical dimension with the human dimension.

In this work it will be demonstrated how an organization can extend both dimensions, and thus increase organizational performance. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of this new and expanded framework we will employ a reflective case study of a real business case in the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore we will demonstrate the importance of what Schön (1983) has described as the reflective practitioner (RP). The RP is someone intimately involved in the business so as to be sufficiently aware of the firm and the critical problems and decisions that face the firm. Acting as an emic researcher, the RP is capable, by reflecting on the evolving situation, of identifying the most important problems that should be of interest to etic researchers and documenting the case study in such as way so as to capture the most important aspects of the case and the decisions made in support of its successful resolution.

MPACT Scores for Christian Bach

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:32

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